Although tumor clearance is a common criterion in assessing the impact of radiotherapy (RT), it is not always reliable. Patterns of tumor clearance were determined using 91 metastatic lymph nodes (LNs) from 51 patients with head and neck tumors treated by definitive RT (61-80 Gy) or preoperative RT (43-65 Gy). Clearance rate (CR) was estimated as a daily volume decrement expressed as a ratio to the pre-RT LN volume. CR was greater for the so-called radioresponsive nasopharyngeal subgroups and more poorly differentiated than those of oral cavity and well-differentiated, respectively. Histologically, LNs that were removed following RT consisted mainly of fibrous tissues, necrotic tissues, and few cancer cells. There was no difference in CR between the cancer-cell-positive group (n = 21) and the cancer-cell-negative group (n = 31). Although the CR may reflect inherent radiosensitivity of tumor cells, tumor persistence predicts the amount of oncologically inactive materials rather than that of remaining cancer cells.