The cardiac function of 37 cases of ventricular dyskinesia were studied by cineangiography. The amplitude and speed of contraction of the contracting parts was evaluated as well as the volume of the akinetic zone. A score of coronary artery obstruction was made for those patients who underwent coronary arteriography. All the patients had resection of their aneurysm. Four patients died in the immediate post-operative period. Six patients developed a temporary low output state requiring circulatory assistance. Twenty-seven patients were operated on successfully without posing any haemodynamic problem. Good immediate and late post-operative results were associated with an ejection fraction of the contracting part greated than 0,40, a dyskinetic area less than 40% and a coronary artery obstruction index of less than 6. Resection of the aneurysm, sometimes associated with aorto-coronary bypass grafting (5 cases), led to a marked improvement in heart failure and/or disappearance of ventricular arrhythmias.