The molecular mechanism of the fragile X syndrome is based on the expansion of an unstable CGG repeat in the 5' untranslated region of the FMR1 gene in most patients. This expansion is associated with an abnormal DNA methylation leading to the absence of production of FMR1 protein (FMRP). Such expansion apparently predisposes the repeat and flanking regions to further instability that may lead to mosaic conditions with a full mutation and a premutation or, rarely, with normal or reduced alleles that can sometimes be transcriptionally active. In this study we describe eight unrelated fragile X patients who are mosaic for both a full mutation and an allele of normal (four cases) or reduced size (four cases). Sequencing analysis of the deletion breakpoints in 6 patients demonstrated an internal deletion confined to the CGG repeat in four of them, which represents the most likely explanation for the regression of the full mutation to a normal sized allele. In two patients with a reduced allele, the deletion encompassed the entire CGG repeat and part of the flanking regions. Analysis of FMRP by Western blot was performed in one of the mosaics with a normal sized allele and in three of those with a reduced allele. In the first patient's lymphocytes FMRP was detected, whereas in the three other patients the deletion is likely to impair transcription as no FMRP was present in their lymphocytes.
Copyright 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.