Background: Studies of type A behaviour pattern suggest that it can be promoted as a whole by certain parental rearing styles. However, the association of the different components of the type A behaviour with specific rearing practices has not been clarified.
Method: The relationship between parents' rearing style and the different type A behaviour components of their children was analysed in a sample of 312 university students. Parental rearing style was assessed with the EMBU, a Swedish measure originally designed to assess one's recollections concerning one's parents rearing behaviour. Type A pattern was measured by the JAS, a self-administered questionnaire that gives the global type A score and three of its components.
Results: Hard Driving was related to Rejection and Favouring Subject in males. Speed-Impatience was related to Rejection and Control in both sexes, and Job Involvement was related to Control and Favouring Subject in females. In a discriminant factor analysis in males, Rejection, Control and Favouring Subject on the part of fathers classified correctly 80% of the subjects identified as having high or low Speed-Impatience and the variables of Rejection and Favouring Subject (also by fathers) classified correctly 69.23% of the subjects identified as high or low Hard Driving. In females, Control and Favouring Subject on the part of mothers and low Rejection by fathers classified correctly 70.37% of the subjects with high or low Job Involvement.
Conclusion: These results suggest that different rearing characteristics are related to the various components of the type A behaviour pattern.