Purpose: The aim of the study was to improve the knowledge of epidemiology and clinic of primitive HCC.
Patients and methods: Ninety consecutive HCC patients, attending the Medical Therapy Dpt. of Rome University "La Sapienza" were examined: diagnosis of HCC was based on histologic data in 71; in the others the diagnosis derived from ultrasonographics, RMN, TC data.
Results and conclusions: Show M/F ratio 3.7/1; in 87% HCC is associated to liver cirrhosis (HCC/CEA); the cumulative presence of HBV and HCV is 75.6%: HCV alone 33.4%, resulting the major risk factor for HCC; patients with associated alcoholism, HBV and/or HCV show evidence of earlier appearance of HCC. Significant higher presence of HBsAg is recorded in HCC without surrounding liver cirrhosis compared to HCC/CE. The cumulative survival rate of treated patients is higher compared with non treated, irrespectively to kind of therapy. The HCC/CE+ patients have significant greater presence of elevated levels of alpha-FP and portal thrombosis compared to a randomized group of patients with liver cirrhosis only. At the end we outline that over 10% of HCC has none note risk factor for hepatic diseases.