The concentration of methotrexate (MTX) in erythrocytes (E-MTX) was measured twice with three months interval in 21 children suffering from juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA). At the same time joint score, visual analogue scale (VAS), and laboratory parameters (CRP, WBC, PMNs, and ALAT) were obtained. There was only a weak insignificant correlation between the dose of MTX/m2 and E-MTX (r=0.24, p=0.11). No significant relations between the clinical or laboratory parameters and E-MTX was found. However, ALAT above normal range was associated with a lower dose of MTX (p=0.02) and lower VAS (p=0.02), indicating that toxicity may be associated with less articular discomfort. At present we consider routine determination of E-MTX in children with JCA of limited value.