Allograft inflammatory factor-1 (AIF-1) is a 17-kDa-peptide identified in rat cardiac allografts undergoing chronic rejection and in activated microglial cells in inflammatory autoimune disease of the CNS. We have investigated the expression of AIF-1 in 18 autopsy cases of human focal cerebral infarction. AIF-1-positive cells show the morphology of microglia and are CD68- but not GFAP-positive. The peptide is expressed at a low level in normal brain. In infarctions, activated microglial cells in the area of glial reaction show strongly enhanced cytoplasmic immunoreactivity. The density of AIF-1-expressing cells increases during the first three days post infarction and remains elevated until chronic cystic stages. The upregulation of AIF-1-immunoreactivity precedes the rise in expression of the S-100-protein MRP-8. We conclude that AIF-1 is a sensitive marker of human microglial activation not only in inflammation but also in non-inflammatory lesions of the CNS.