Comparative FISH mapping of river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis, BBU), sheep (Ovis aries, OAR), and cattle (Bos taurus, BTA) X chromosomes revealed homologies and divergences between the X chromosomes in the subfamilies Bovinae and Caprinae. Twenty-four and 17 loci were assigned for the first time to BBU X and OAR X, respectively, noticeably extending the physical map in these two species. Seventeen loci (four of which for the first time) were also FISH mapped to BTA X and used for comparative mapping studies on the three species, which show three morphologically different X chromosomes: an acrocentric (BBU X), an acrocentric with distinct short arms (OAR X), and a submetacentric (BTA X). The same order of loci were found on BTA X and BBU X, suggesting that a centromere transposition, with loss (cattle) or acquisition (river buffalo) of constitutive heterochromatin, differentiated the X chromosomes of these two bovids. Comparison of bovine (cattle and river buffalo) and caprine (sheep) X chromosomes revealed at least five common chromosome segments, suggesting that multiple transpositions, with retention or loss of constitutive heterochromatin, had occurred during their karyotypic evolution.
Copyright 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.