A ladder of 24 ACTBP2 (SE33) alleles was separated 175 times by denaturing capillary electrophoresis on an ABI Prism 310 Genetic Analyzer using polymer POP-4. The mean standard deviation of fragment size determination was 0.083 bp. Fragments in the whole allelic range of ACTBP2 could be typed with high precision and reproducibility if adjacent fragments differed by at least two nucleotides. The capacity of resolving 1 bp differences was tested by repeatedly running a ACTBP2*14.2/14.3/31.2/31.3 allelic mixture. The 14.2/14.3 fragment pair could be separated in 98%, the 31.2/31.3 fragment pair only in 65% of all runs. Reliable separation of this difficult fragment mixture could exclusively achieved by using POP-6.