Reduced expression of the TSC2 tumour suppressor gene product, tuberin, has been reported in sporadic astrocytomas, suggesting that the TSC genes may play a role in formation of sporadic glial or glioneuronal tumours. We studied paired constitutional and tumour DNA samples from 100 patients with sporadic glial and glioneuronal tumours for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the TSC1 and TSC2 loci using a combination of seven previously reported and seven novel polymorphic markers. LOH was seen in 1/16 astrocytomas, 3/15 ependymomas, 5/16 gangliogliomas, 2/14 glioblastoma multiforme, 0/7 oligodendrogliomas, 0/7 tumours of mixed oligodendrocytic/astrocytic histology, 2/11 pilocytic astrocytomas and 0/1 subependymal giant cell astrocytomas informative at both loci. However, SSCP screening of all coding exons of the TSC1 or TSC2 genes in the tumours displaying LOH, and of both genes in 21 gangliogliomas, revealed no intragenic mutations. The lack of demonstrable inactivation of both alleles of either TSC gene in any of the tumours investigated suggests that they do not play a frequent role in the aetiology of sporadic glial or glioneuronal tumours.