The dynamic response of tetragonal lysozyme crystals to dehydration has been characterized in situ using a combination of X-ray topography, high-resolution diffraction line-shape measurements and conventional crystallographic diffraction. For dehydration from 98% relative humidity (r.h.) to above 89%, mosaicity and diffraction resolution show little change and X-ray topographs remain featureless. Lattice constants decrease rapidly but the lattice-constant distribution within the crystal remains very narrow, indicating that water concentration gradients remain very small. Near 88% r.h., the c-axis lattice parameter decreases abruptly, the steady-state mosaicity and diffraction resolution degrade sharply and topographs develop extensive contrast. This transformation exhibits metastability and hysteresis. At fixed r.h. < 88% it is irreversible, but the original order can be almost completely restored by rehydration. These results suggest that this transformation is a first-order structural transition involving an abrupt loss of crystal water. The front between transformed and untransformed regions may propagate inward from the crystal surface and the resulting stresses along the front may degrade mosaicity. Differences in crystal size, shape and initial perfection may produce the observed variations in degradation timescale. Consequently, the success of more general post-growth treatments may often involve identifying procedures that either avoid lattice transitions, minimize disorder created during such transitions or maintain the lattice in an ordered metastable state.