"Norwalk-like viruses" (NLVs) and human astroviruses are causative agents of gastroenteritis in all age-groups. The typing of these agents is generally done by nucleotide sequencing, blot hybridization, or enzyme immunoassay. These techniques are expensive, time-consuming, and sometimes require scarce reagents, which limits the typing of NLVs and astroviruses to a few reference laboratories. This report describes a liquid hybridization assay that uses broadly reactive probes whose sequences are based on data from specimens in collections available at CDC and GenBank. Two astrovirus genogroup-specific probes were designed and tested successfully on 26 wild strains from all serotypes. Fourteen GII and 16 GI representative NLV strains were typed without cross-hybridization by using P1B- and P2A-specific probes, described previously, and new P2B- and P1A-specific probes. Analysis of the specificity of the probes, the effect of the mismatches during hybridization, and the sensitivity of hybridization assay demonstrates this method to be a rapid and simple technique for molecular typing of NLVs and preliminary characterization of astroviruses.