A 58-year-old patient had been treated for recurrent gastritis. Numerous gastroscopies indicated hemorrhagic gastritis combined with increasingly severe anemia. The patient was admitted with a hemoglobin of 4.4 g/dL. Gastroscopy showed marked antral angiodysplasia. Serum samples for gastrin were taken and found to be elevated (170-250 U/mL). The search for a gastrin-producing tumor with abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography, octreotide scan, and secretin test was negative, but angiography detected a pancreas tumor with a 2-cm diameter. Partial pancreatectomy and partial gastrectomy were performed. Immunohistochemical examination of the tumor did not show a gastrinoma but did show glucagon-reactive tissue. Further tumors or elevated plasma hormone levels were not detected, and a multiple endocrine neoplasia type I syndrome could be excluded. We thus found antral angiodysplasia with hypergastrinemia leading to detection of a glucagonoma diagnosed by immunohistochemistry. After more than 4 years of follow-up, the patient is without any symptoms or signs of relapse or secondary hormone syndrome.