Purpose: To present the results of the dummy run of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial investigating the role of adjuvant internal mammary and medial supraclavicular (IM-MS) irradiation in Stage I--III breast cancer.
Methods and materials: All participating institutions were asked to produce a treatment plan without (Arm 1) and with (Arm 2) simultaneous IM-MS irradiation of 1 patient after mastectomy and of 1 patient after lumpectomy. Thirty-two dummy runs have been evaluated for compliance to protocol guidelines, with respect to treatment technique and dose prescription.
Results: A number of more or less important deviations in treatment setup and prescription have been found. The dose in the IM-MS region deviated significantly from the prescribed dose in 10% of the cases for Arm 1, and in 21% for Arm 2. Assuming a true 5% 10-year survival benefit from optimal IM-MS irradiation, an increase of only 3.8% will be found due to this suboptimal dose distribution.
Conclusion: In the dummy run, a number of potential systematic protocol deviations that might lead to false-negative results were detected. By providing recommendations to the participating institutions, we expect to improve the interinstitutional consistency and to promote a high quality irradiation in all institutions participating in the trial.