Infection of fourth-instar Aedes aegypti (L.) with the entomopathogenic digenean Plagiorchis elegans (Rudolphi) alters the carbohydrate metabolism of the insect. Within 24 h of cercarial penetration, total body extracts of infected fourth instars exhibited decreased trehalase activity, increased trehalose-6-phosphatase activity, and a concomitant accumulation of trehalose when compared with uninfected larvae. The amounts of glucose, glycogen and lipids, and the activity of glycogen phosphorylase a were similar in extracts of infected and control larvae. The predominant fatty acids, in both control and infected larvae, were C 18:0, C 18:1, and C 18:3. There were no significant differences in the types or proportions of fatty acids found in control and infected larvae. Parasitic infection is discussed in terms of impaired trehalose metabolism.