Laparoscopic surgery for treatment of colorectal cancer has been suggested to enhance tumor dissemination. Recently, molecular techniques have been developed to detect micrometastatic disease in patients with solid tumors, with a higher accuracy than cytologic or immunohistochemical approaches. This study was undertaken to investigate the potential harmful effects of laparoscopic-assisted colectomy on neoplastic cell mobilization in patients with resectable colorectal cancer. Fifty patients with nonmetastatic colorectal cancer were randomly assigned to laparoscopic-assisted (LAC, n = 26) or open (OC, n = 24) colectomy. Peripheral venous blood samples were obtained preoperatively, immediately after tumor removal, and 24 hours later. In 10 patients from each treatment group, portal blood and peritoneal fluid samples were also obtained before and after resection. Neoplastic cells were detected by means of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction targeted to carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) transcription. CEA mRNA was detected in peripheral venous blood samples from 35 of 50 colorectal cancer patients preoperatively. Among those 15 baseline-negative patients, four experienced conversion 24 hours after tumor resection (2 [33%] of 6 in the LAC group vs. 2 [22%] of 9 in the OC group; NS). At that time point, clearance of CEA mRNA expression was observed in 14 of the 35 baseline-positive patients (9 [45%] of 20 in the LAC group vs. 5 [33%] of 15 in the OC group; NS). In addition, only one patient in the LAC group with baseline-negative CEA mRNA expression experienced portal blood conversion after tumor removal, although his peripheral blood level remained negative. Finally, baseline peritoneal fluid CEA mRNA expression was never detected, but one patient in each group became positive postoperatively. These results confirm that preoperative and perioperative mobilization of neoplastic cells is a frequent occurrence in patients with colorectal cancer, but the surgical approach (LAC vs. OC) does not seem to be a determining factor.