Background: The authors intend to evaluate the long-term efficacy of endoscopic treatment of gastric polyps.
Methods: They report their experience in 5000 upper gastro intestinal endoscopies performed between 1985 and 1998. The method used aimed to evaluate the distribution of polyps by sex and age, the frequency of various histological types and the incidence of complications in relation to histological type and the size of the polyps. The authors also analysed the indications and criteria of choice between endoscopic treatment and surgery and they calculated the incidence of malignant neoplasm and complications in relation to the endoscopic method used, as well as the incidence of relapse at the medium and long-term follow-up. They searched for the presence of neoplasms in the follow-up and compared their personal experience with data from international literature.
Results: The results obtained show that non-surgical treatment of gastric polyps is resolutive in most cases. The endoscopic resection of polyps was performed using a polypectomy loop. In patients converted to surgery, the necessity for the operation was caused by an unexpected hemorrhage that could not be controlled using endoscopic treatment. In this case, the operation consisted of resecting the entire wall of the lesion, including an extemporary histological analysis.
Conclusions: The authors' experience allows them to state that endoscopic treatment of this gastric pathology is efficacious and free from risks and complications if stringent patient selection criteria are used (dimensions, morphological characteristics of the lesion) and control procedures over time suited to the potential malignancy of each histological type are carried out.