This study assessed sentence comprehension in Alzheimer's disease (AD) while minimizing executive resource demands. AD patients (n=17) and healthy elderly control subjects (n=17) were asked to detect a word in a sentence. Unbeknownst to subjects, the target word at times followed an incorrect grammatical or semantic agreement. Control subjects took significantly longer to respond to a target word when it immediately followed an agreement violation compared to a coherent agreement, a difference that was not evident when the target word followed the agreement by several syllables. AD patients did not demonstrate a discrepancy between a violation and a coherent agreement in the immediate vicinity of the agreement, but demonstrated a significant delay in their response to a target word when it followed an agreement violation--particularly a violation of a grammatical agreement--by several syllables. Analyses of individual patient performance profiles revealed the pattern of delayed sensitivity to agreements in a majority of AD patients. Correlation and regression analyses associated AD patients' sensitivity to agreement violations over an abnormally delayed time course with a measure of inhibitory control, although weaker associations were also evident with measures of planning and short-term memory. We hypothesize that difficulty understanding grammatically complex sentences in AD is related to slowed information processing speed that restricts the timely construction of a sentence's structure and limits inhibition of canonical sentence interpretations such as first-noun-is-subject.