Lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD) most frequently presents with pain during ambulation, which is known as "intermittent claudication". Some relief of symptoms is possible with exercise, pharmacotherapy, and cessation of smoking. The risk of limb-loss is overshadowed by the risk of mortality from coexistent coronary artery and cerebrovascular atherosclerosis. Primary therapy should be directed at treating the generalised atherosclerotic process, managing lipids, blood sugar, and blood pressure. By contrast, the risk of limb-loss becomes substantial when there is pain at rest, ischaemic ulceration, or gangrene. Interventions such as balloon angioplasty, stenting, and surgical revascularisation should be considered in these patients with so-called "critical limb ischaemia". The choice of the intervention is dependent on the anatomy of the stenotic or occlusive lesion; percutaneous interventions are appropriate when the lesion is focal and short but longer lesions must be treated with surgical revascularisation to achieve acceptable long-term outcome.