The photoreactivity of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory 2-arylpropionic acids benoxaprofen, carprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen, tiaprofenic acid, and suprofen is reviewed with special emphasis on fundamental photophysical and photochemical properties. The absorption and emission properties of the excited states of these drugs as well as their main photodegradation routes are summarized. The photochemical mechanisms are discussed on the basis of product studies and detection of short-lived intermediates by means of laser flash photolysis. After dealing with the unimolecular processes, attention is focused on the photosensitized reactions of key biomolecules, such as lipids, proteins or nucleic acids. Finally, a short section on the photobiological effects on simple biological models is also included. Although some earlier citations are included, the literature coverage is in general limited to the last decade.