An example of pragmatic approach for predicting mixed field effects is presented. The method was initially applied adopting the following, commonly used, assumptions: a) radiation risk (typically cancer) is correlated with chromosome aberration induction; b) radiation-induced chromosome-exchange yield can be well described by a linear-quadratic dependence on particle fluences (mostly linear with high-LET radiation), with parameters depending on particle types and energies. Information on monochromatic field radiobiological effects was integrated in a condensed-history Monte Carlo transport code (FLUKA), able to simulate nuclear interactions. The integrated code provides the chromosome aberration yield (and thus an estimation of radiation risk) in each voxel of any irradiated volume, given any external mixed-field irradiation; in the present work, the method was tested for neutron irradiation of a water phantom. FLUKA was then coupled with a geometrical human phantom provided with different radiation shielding, in order to apply this approach to estimate radiation risk in manned space missions.