With the purpose of determining how certain risk factors for type 2 diabetes such as family history of diabetes, obesity and dyslipidemia, affect the glucose-insulin response to a glucose challenge, 135 individuals (77 women and 58) men were studied. Their ages ranged from 20-68 years, their basal glycemic values were less than 110 mg/dL but they were considered at risk for diabetes due to the presence of one or more of those factors. We found that the presence of those risk factors did not affect the glycemic response in any case. However, the basal insulin levels as well as the post-challenge values were increased significantly (p < 0.0001) by the presence of obesity in men as well as in women. Dyslipidemia increased the basal and post challenge glucose insulin values only in men (p < 0.002). The coexistence of obesity and family history of diabetes provoked a decrease in the basal insulin levels as well as in the insulin response to glucose. We conclude that, without alteration of the glycemic response, the presence of risk factors as obesity, dyslipidemia or family history of diabetes leads to basal hyperinsulinemia, as well as glucose stimulated hyperinsulinemia, however the coexistence of obesity and family history of diabetes, is responsible for a deficit in the insulin secretion by the pancreas.