We and others have demonstrated that infertile men who are candidates for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) have an increased frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in their sperm. Reports based on prenatal diagnosis of ICSI pregnancies have confirmed the increased frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in offspring. Most studies to date have lumped various types of infertility together. However, it is quite likely that some subsets of infertility have an increased risk of sperm chromosomal abnormalities whereas others do not. We have studied nine men with severe teratozoospermia (WHO, 1992 criteria, 0-13% morphologically normal forms) by multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) analysis to determine if they have an increased frequency of disomy for chromosomes 13, 21, XX, YY, and XY, as well as diploidy. All of the men also had aesthenozoospermia (< 50% forward progression) but none of the men had oligozoospermia (<20 x 10(6) sperm/ml). The patients ranged in age from 20 to 49 years (mean 33.2 years) in comparison to 18 normal control donors who were 23 to 58 years (mean 35.6 years). The control donors had normal semen parameters and no history of infertility. A total of 180,566 sperm were scored in the teratozoospermic men with a minimum of 10,000 sperm analyzed/donor/chromosome probe. There was a significant increase in the frequency of disomy in teratozoospermic men compared to controls for chromosomes 13 (.23 vs.13%), XX (.13 vs.05%), and XY (.50 vs.30%) (P <.0001, 2-tailed Z statistic). This study indicates that men with teratozoospermia and aesthenozoospermia but with normal concentrations of sperm have a significantly increased frequency of sperm chromosomal abnormalities.
Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.