Objective: To assess the usefulness of the Coaguchek(r) portable coagulometer for determining the International Normalized Ratio (INR) in dental practice.
Study design: A total of 139 INR determinations were made in 88 patients anticoagulated with acenocoumarol (Sintrom(r)) for thrombotic pathology, based on the habitual laboratory procedure (Sample 1). Posteriorly and prior to dental treatment, INR was again determined using the Coaguchek(r) portable device (Sample 2). Both determinations were subsequently compared to evaluate possible significant differences between them, applying the Student t-test for paired data and regression measures.
Results: The mean INR in Sample 1 was not significantly different to that recorded with the Coaguchek(r) portable device (Sample 2) (2,31 0,81 versus 2,28 0,82, respectively, t= 0,98; p= 0,32). A statistically significant relation was observed between the two samples (R= 0,92; p< 0,01).
Conclusions: The Coaguchek(r) portable coagulometer is a valid instrument for determining INR in anticoagulated individuals, and constitutes an effective method in application to the outpatient dental treatment of such patients.