Management of labio-maxillo-palatine clefts has two major requirements: to constitute a multidisciplinary staff (surgical, phonological, orthodontical) intervening as soon as possible and determination of a precise therapeutical chronology not only for primary surgery but also for sequellae. Primary surgical protocol is in cases of total clefts these defined by Malek and Psaume; and for pure labial or incomplete clefts, we perform a neonatal surgery. Integration of interceptive correction of sequellae into thus protocol appears basic: correction of alveolar cleft by gingivoplasty (5 to 7 years) associated with secondary home-graft between 11 to 13 years; early nasal revision since 2 years for functional and aesthetic reasons. Early control of speech development, otologic problems and their management appears a very important point. Introduction of the concept of maxillary distraction appears to us a very important improvement for correcting orthognatic cases with major problems of squeletical growth. Recent introduction of the antenatal diagnosis introduces a new concept in psychological approach of these cases. It is necessary to establish a network for managing these cases since the antenatal period.