Background and objectives: In a previous study we established a reliable setpoint for the prevalence of bacteria in whole blood. In the present study we investigated the possible preventive effect, of diversion of the first 10 ml of a blood donation, on the bacterial contamination rate.
Materials and methods: To divert the first 10 ml of a whole-blood donation, we used a special five-bag system equipped with a Composampler device. After venepuncture, the first 10 ml of a donation was sampled into a vacutainer tube. This was followed by the collection of the whole-blood unit. The extra bag allowed direct sampling of the final donation in a closed system for BacT/Alert. Whole-blood samples were taken after storage (2-14 h at 20 degrees C) and subsequent mixing. BacT/Alert culture bottles were incubated until positive, or for 7 days if negative. Confirmation and identification of positive cultures was performed according to internationally recognized standard reference methods.
Results: The prevalence of bacteria in whole blood, as determined by using standard collection techniques, was 0.35% (95% confidence interval 0.27-0.44%, n = 18 257). After diversion of the first 10 ml this value was significantly lower: 0.21% (P < 0.05, 95% confidence interval 0.12-0.35%, n = 7087). Most strikingly, a reduction in the frequency of staphylococcal species was observed (P < 0.02, reduction from 0.14 to 0.03%).
Conclusions: Diversion of the first 10 ml of blood was shown to contribute significantly to a reduction in the prevalence of superficial skin bacteria in whole-blood units. In our opinion, blood collection systems should be adapted to use the first 10-30 ml of a whole-blood donation for testing purposes.