We have reported that an increased intrarenal renin-angiotensin system activity may be responsible for the reduction in renal plasma flow (RPF) in apparently healthy blacks in comparison to healthy whites during high salt balance. To ascertain whether these differences only exist in the high salt state, we performed the following study, concentrating on the manipulation of the renin system during low salt intake. We measured in 19 healthy blacks and 22 healthy whites para-aminohippurate and inulin clearances as an indication of RPF and glomerular filtration rate, respectively, on both high (200 mmol/d) and low (10 mmol/d) salt balance in random order. A subset of 11 blacks and 12 whites additionally received an angiotensin II infusion while in low salt balance (3 ng/kg per minute for 45 minutes) and captopril to assess differences in RPF response to a converting enzyme inhibitor. The 19 whites had significantly higher RPF when compared with blacks (P=0.033) when studied on high salt. However, during low salt balance, the RPFs were comparable in the 2 groups. Plasma renin activity was similar in the 2 groups on both diets. In the subset that received angiotensin II and captopril while in low salt balance, the renal vascular response was not different in whites and blacks. These data provide additional support for the concept that the intrarenal tissue renin system is more active in blacks than whites on a typical (high salt) diet and that the difference reflects primarily incomplete tissue renin suppression with an increase in salt intake. The mechanism involved may contribute to the increased susceptibility to renal injury in blacks.