The purpose of this study was to clarify the effect of an absorbable oxidised regenerated cellulose sheet (AORCS) for prevention of neural adhesion. Rabbit sciatic nerve was exposed at the middle of the thigh and the neural bed was coagulated by a bipolar coagulator to establish an adhesion model. Coagulation only was Group A (n = 8), coagulation and wrapping the sciatic nerve with an AORCS was Group B (n = 8), and an intact nerve was Group C (n = 16). Six weeks later, each group was estimated. Adhesion between the nerve and neural bed, and intraneural fibrosis were seen in Group A. However, there was little adhesion and fibrosis in Group B. Although the electrophysiological study showed a small significant difference, AORCS clearly prevented the adhesion in the histological study. Hence, AORCS might be useful as an additional treatment during nerve surgery.