The effects of daily intrastriatal bilateral microinjections of 45 mog GABA, 1 mcg of picrotoxine and 5 mcg of bicuculline on rats, were investigated. Impairment of the avoidance conditioning in shuttle box was registered in rats with picrotoxine or bicuculline and the choreo-myoklonic limb jerks, with distinct generalization stage after the picrotoxine microinjections. The combined microinjections--GABA with picrotoxine, and bicuculline with picrotoxine inhibited the hyperkinesis manifestation and changed avoidance conditioning behaviour and open-field locomotor activity. The findings suggest involvement of neostriatal GABAergic system in avoidance conditioning and complex locomotor behavioural acts regulation. The ultimate aim of the research is to find the cause, neurotransmitter mechanisms of neuromotor diseases, and to research principal new orders in treatment of neuromotor deviations.