We have constructed linkage maps for two parents of white spruce [ Picea glauca (Moench) Voss]. Haploid megagametophytes from 92 and 96 seeds of parents M2 and 80132, respectively, were analysed with RAPD, SCAR and ESTP markers. Fragments segregating in a 1:1 Mendelian ratio were classified and mapped using MAPMAKER, GMENDEL and JOINMAP. For M2, the analysis with JOINMAP resulted in 165 loci (152 RAPDs, 3 SCARs and 10 ESTPs) mapping to 23 linkage groups and covering 2,059.4 cM(Kosambi function, K). For 80132, the analysis resulted in 144 loci (137 RAPDs, 1 SCAR and 7 ESTPs) mapping to 19 linkage groups and covering 2,007.7 cM(K). The maps covered 87 and 73% of the entire genome of parents M2 and 80132, respectively. Similar results were obtained with MAPMAKER and GMENDEL. A comparison was made between the two individual maps and 16 loci were shared between the two maps.