Chromosome (chr) X is under-represented in current maps of the genome of the domestic dog ( Canis familiaris). To address this problem, we have constructed a small-insert, genomic DNA library in pBluescript from flow-sorted canine Chr X DNA. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) studies confirmed that the library was highly enriched for Chr X. Clones containing microsatellites were identified and sequenced. Database searches detected significant sequence identity between four X-derived clones and genes previously characterized in other species. Thirty-seven markers derived from these clones were mapped on Chr X by FISH, and of these, 28 were mapped by using the female-derived T72 whole-genome radiation hybrid (RH) panel (Research Genetics). Four X-linked canine genes from publicly available data were also mapped. Eight RH linkage groups with LOD >4.0 were identified, and FISH data were used to locate the groups on the chromosome; four groups could be unambiguously orientated by FISH data. In each case, the FISH and RH data were mutually consistent. The data suggest strongly conserved synteny between canine and human X Chrs. The pseudoautosomal region has been further characterized, and the putative or actual locations of nine genes of clinical relevance have been suggested.