Although there are trends in the morphologic, metabolic, hemodynamic, and structural properties of untreated gliomas that are reflected in MR measurements, there is considerable heterogeneity both within and between lesions of the same histologic grade. The spatial extent of the abnormality in ADC and RA images is similar to the T2 lesion, but there is no obvious difference in intensity between grades. The rCBV is significantly increased in the enhancing volume of grade 4 lesions but is similar or reduced in intensity for most grade 3 lesions. There are clear differences between the enhancing volumes and the regions with increased Cho that may be highly significant for planning focal therapy. The location and intensity of the Lac/Lip peaks are consistent with those representing regions of necrosis for grade 4 lesions. The fact that small Lac/Lip peaks can also be seen in grade 2 and grade 3 lesions suggests that their presence may be indicative of regions that are likely to progress to a higher grade. If this were the case, it would be valuable for directing biopsies. The correlations between rCBV, Cho, and ADC suggest that cellularity, membrane turnover, and vascularity are linked in grade 4 lesions. It is not clear whether there is any relationship between these parameters regions in grade 2 or grade 3 gliomas. While further work is required to optimize the methodology associated with these MR parameters, it seems likely that combining the information from such measurements may be valuable for predicting outcome and tailoring therapy to individual patients.