Elidel is a steroid-free cream containing a 1% strength of the topical immunomodulator pimecrolimus. Elidel was specifically developed as a treatment for atopic dermatitis (AD) and is approved for use in children as young as 2 years of age. The production of inflammatory cytokines by activated T cells in skin is thought to play an important role in the pathogenesis of AD. Elidel potently suppresses cytokine production by dermal T cells without significantly impairing systemic immune responses. Elidel does not cause steroid-associated local effects, such as dermal atrophy, striae, or telangiectasia. In randomized controlled clinical studies, twice-daily application of Elidel was shown to significantly improve the signs and symptoms of AD in infants, children, and adults. The clinical effect of Elidel on pruritus, the most troublesome symptom of AD, can be observed within 1 week of therapy and is maintained for the duration of treatment. Elidel is well tolerated; the risk of application-site reactions, such as itching or burning, is comparable with that of the vehicle. Adverse effects were generally mild in patients receiving Elidel and occurred at rates comparable with those in patients receiving vehicle treatment. In a 1-year study, Elidel significantly reduced the incidence of flares when used at the first signs and symptoms of acute AD. As a result, overall corticosteroid use to treat flares was significantly lower in patients using Elidel for early intervention.