We show that thin films grown by vacuum sublimation, or formed by melted powders, of semiconductor alpha-quinquethiophene (T5) exhibit a hierarchical self-affinity organization that spans scales from tens of nanometers to hundreds of micrometers. T5 organization was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and optical microscopy. XRD showed that vacuum-evaporated T5 films were characterized by a preferred orientation of the h00 planes parallel to the glass substrate. Melting of the films followed by rapid quenching to room temperature led to the formation of micrometer-sized, single-crystal-like structures, characterized by uniaxially aligned stripes. XRD proved that the melting-quenching process enhanced molecular ordering and increased the size of domains with the molecule's long axes tilted by about 65 degrees with respect to the substrate plane and piled up side-by-side along parallel columns. AFM measurements on the melt-quenched structures showed that a hierarchical architecture was built by reiteration across multiple length scales of the same recurring motif. Because of the tendency of T5 to form highly crystalline vacuum-evaporated thin films, a field-effect hole mobility comparable to state-of-the-art FET mobility of alpha-sexithiophene films was reached, without any attempt to optimize deposition conditions.