Administration of the pineal hormone melatonin to rats induces expression of Fos, the protein product of the c-fos proto-oncogene, in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the putative biological clock of mammals. Expression of the Fos protein is dependent on circadian phase: injections in the late subjective night (circadian time (CT) 22) induce Fos expression in cells within the ventral SCN whereas injections during the subjective day are ineffective. Since melatonin injections in the late subjective day have previously been shown to phase advance circadian rhythms, these results indicate that phase-advances of the circadian system can occur without increased expression of Fos protein in the SCN, at least at levels detectable by immunohistochemistry. In support of in situ hybridization histochemical evidence obtained previously, immunocytochemical data from vehicle-injected control rats suggest that the Fos protein undergoes an endogenous fluctuation with peak levels in the SCN occurring during the subjective night. These observations indicate that melatonin can affect immediate early gene expression within the SCN.