The correct intracellular sorting of lysosomal enzymes such as arylsulfatase A depends on the presence of mannose 6-phosphate residues on high mannose type oligosaccharides. The arylsulfatase A cDNA contains three potential N-glycosylation sites, two of which are utilized. We have mutated one or two of the N-glycosylation sites and analyzed the glycosylation, phosphorylation, and intracellular sorting of the mutant arylsulfatase A polypeptides. The results show that each of the three glycosylation sites (I, II, and III) can be glycosylated, but glycosylation at sites I and II is mutually exclusive. In mutants with one oligosaccharide side chain at positions I, II, or III all side chains can acquire mannose 6-phosphate residues irrespective of their location. This demonstrates spatial flexibility of the phosphotransferase, which specifically recognizes lysosomal enzymes and initiates the addition of mannose 6-phosphate residues on oligosaccharide side chains. However, these mutants have different intracellular sorting efficiencies and seem to use different (mannose 6-phosphate receptor-dependent and -independent) sorting pathways.