118 multibacillary leprosy patients with differential manifestations were studied for the antigens they expressed at MHC loci to investigate the role of human leukocyte antigens in the differential response to the same causative agent. While the lepromatous leprosy (LL) patients showed a significant increase of Bw60, DR2, DRw8 and DQw1, borderline lepromatous (BL) patients had Bw52, DR9 and DQw7 significantly more often as compared to the normal controls. A comparison of LL, BL and mid-borderline (BB) patients showed a significantly higher frequency of Bw60 in LL patients as compared to the BL. However, Bw52, Bw53, DR9 and DQw7 were found significantly more often in the BL patients as compared to the LL patients but the difference failed to reach significance after pc. A comparison of HLA antigens in BB patients with those of either the LL or BL patients did not show any significant differences.