Chest compression is an important part of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), but it only aids circulation during a portion of the compression cycle and has been shown to only minimally increase blood flow to vital organs. The purpose of this study was to quantitate the short-term hemodynamic effects of CPR with a hand-held suction device that incorporates both active compression and decompression of the chest. The suction device was applied to the middle of the sternum and compared with standard manual CPR in eight nonventilated anesthetized dogs. Coronary perfusion pressure, systolic and diastolic aortic pressures, right atrial diastolic pressure, and the velocity time integral (an analog of cardiac output), which were obtained by means of transesophageal pulsed wave Doppler echocardiography from the main pulmonary artery, were measured every 30 seconds during CPR. Minute ventilation was measured over the last minute of each CPR technique. Both active compression-decompression CPR and standard CPR were sequentially performed for 2 minutes in random order 30 seconds after induced ventricular fibrillation. The CPR techniques consisted of 100 compressions per minute, with a compression depth of 1.5 to 2 inches and a 50% duty cycle. Coronary perfusion pressure, velocity time integral (cardiac output analog), minute ventilation, and systolic arterial pressure were all significantly improved by active compression-decompression CPR when compared with standard CPR. We conclude that active compression-decompression CPR is a simple technique that appears to improve coronary perfusion pressure, systolic arterial pressure, cardiac output, and minute ventilation in nonventilated animals when compared with standard CPR.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)