A 79-year-old male presented in December. In January, 2001, with complaints of black nodules and bleeding from the glans of the penis to the foreskin. Inguinal lymph nodes were palpable bilaterally. Clinical diagnosis was penile malignant melanoma. Cystoscopy and urethrography revealed urethral invasion of malignant melanoma, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the penis revealed invasion to prostate, and pelvic lymph node metastases in abdominal compuled tomography (CT) but no organ metastases. Total cystectomy, total penectomy, bilateral inguinal and pelvic lymph node dissection and bilateral ureterocutaneostomy were performed in February, 2002. The pathological findings were nodular malignant melanoma, pT4bN2bM1a, and the surgical margin was positive. After these therapies, chemotherapy was performed. Five months later, CT revealed multiple lung and brain metastases, and radiation therapy and chemotherapy were performed. Twelve months after the operation, he died of cancer. Review of the literature revealed that our patient is the thirtieth reported case of penile malignant melanoma in Japan since 1924. In 30 cases, stage III, IV were 20 cases and 16 cases performed operation.