Background: Majority of hematopoietic cells die by apoptosis after irradiation with ionizing radiation. In present study it is shown that human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells can undergo two different types of apoptosis, premitotic and postmitotic.
Methods: HL-60 cells were irradiated with doses 8 and 20 Gy. For apoptosis detection APO2.7 antigen (mitochondrial membrane specific protein) expression without and with permeabilization by digitonin was used. This method was compared with flow-cytometric analysis of cell light scattering properties and determination of subG1 DNA.
Result: Cells irradiated with high dose (20 Gy) died rapidly by premitotic apoptosis (interphase death) from all phases of cell cycle. 2 hours after irradiation cells with subdiploid DNA content and cells stained by APO2.7 after digitonin permeabilization appeared. After 6 hours 40% of cells were apoptotic, nonapoptotic cells were mainly in G1-phase. Lower dose (8 Gy) after 6 hours of irradiation caused accumulation of cells in S-phase. After 24 hours majority of cells was in G2-phase and apoptotic cells appeared (subG1 peak, APO2.7 with permeabilization).
Conclusion: Data presented herein indicate that mitochondrial membrane protein-specific antibody APO2.7 after permeabilization is a useful marker for detection of early apoptotic cells dying by premitotic and postmitotic apoptosis.