Alloimmunization to human platelet alloantigens (HPAs) is responsible for neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT), post-transfusional purpura (PTP) and platelet transfusion refractoriness. HPAs may also have a role as histocompatibility antigens in transplantation as well as associations with cardiac disease. We have developed a polymerase chain reaction-sequence-specific primer (PCR-SSP) assay capable of detecting 15 HPA allelic variants. As part of the validation of the assay, 134 UK renal donors were genotyped to determine HPA allele frequencies in the UK population. The HPA allele frequencies obtained are consistent with those of the other European studies: GP1A*1 (HPA-5a) and GP1A*2 (HPA-5b), 0.914 and 0.086, respectively; GP1BA*1 (HPA-2a) and GP1BA*2 (HPA-2b), 0.925 and 0.075; GP2B*1 (HPA-3a) and GP2B*2 (HPA-3b), 0.627 and 0.373; GP3A*1 (HPA-1a) and GP3A*2 (HPA-1b), 0.840 and 0.161. The rare alleles GP2B*3 (HPA-9bw) and GP3A*3 to *8 (HPA-4b, -6b, -7bw, -8bw, -10bw and -11bw, respectively) were all absent. This comprehensive HPA genotyping assay allows rapid, accurate and reproducible results at low cost.