Programming of multichannel cochlear implants requires subjective responses to a series of sophisticated psychophysical percepts. It is often difficult for cochlear implant patients (especially young prelinguistically deaf children) to provide adequate responses for device fitting. However, the neural response telemetry (NRT) system renders possible the measurement of the compound action potential threshold. We performed NRT examinations in 27 cochlear implant users with Nucleus 24-channel cochlear implants. Measurements were obtained from five electrodes (3, 5, 10, 15, and 20) in each patient. Our goal was to look for correlation between behavioral subjective thresholds and compound action potentials. The action potentials could be elicited in 23 patients in all measured electrodes. The NRT threshold values were highly correlated with electrical threshold levels obtained through subjective responses. Our results suggest that the electrically elicited neural responses may yield very important information for device fitting in patients with cochlear implants.