Objective: This paper presents the reliability and validity of several diet-related psychosocial questionnaires.
Methods: At baseline and 12 weeks follow-up, parents/caregivers of one hundred fifty 8- to 10-year-old African-American completed questionnaires on food preparation habits for their daughter, perceived home barriers to healthy eating, and fruit, juice, vegetable (FJV), low-fat and high-fat food availability. Girls completed a sweetened beverage preferences questionnaire and two 24-h dietary recalls to assess intake. Principal components analyses were conducted for two newly designed measures. Internal consistency was calculated and construct validity was assessed between the psychosocial scales and obesity-related dietary variables.
Results: Low-fat and high-fat food preparation for daughters, and perceived home barriers to eating low-fat food and FJV subscales were derived from the new questionnaires. Internal consistency reliabilities were moderate (0.58) to substantial (0.80) across all new and existing scales. Test-retest reliabilities were moderate (0.44) to substantial (0.79). Girls' intake of fat as a percentage of energy was positively related to parental high-fat food preparation for daughters (P < 0.01) and negatively related to parental low-fat food preparation practices for daughters (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: Measures of family influences on FJV, fat, and sweetened beverage consumption were internally consistent with moderate to substantial stability. Scales for low-fat and high-fat food preparation practices for daughters achieved construct validity with fat consumption in the hypothesized direction. Family food preparation habits appear to be important targets for future interventions.