Roughening of fracture surfaces: the role of plastic deformation

Phys Rev Lett. 2004 Jun 18;92(24):245505. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.245505. Epub 2004 Jun 17.


Post mortem analysis of fracture surfaces of ductile and brittle materials on the microm-mm and the nm scales, respectively, reveal self-affine cracks with anomalous scaling exponent zeta approximately 0.8 in three dimensions and zeta approximately 0.65 in two dimensions. Attempts to use elasticity theory to explain this result failed, yielding exponent zeta approximately 0.5 up to logarithms. We show that when the cracks propagate via plastic void formations in front of the tip, followed by void coalescence, the void positions are positively correlated to yield exponents higher than 0.5.