Evidence indicates that incisor crown form correlates with clinical periodontal features. It was hypothesized that incisor crown form may explain subject differences in gingivitis expression. The present experimental gingivitis study aimed to assess the effect of incisor crown form on plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation, and on individual susceptibility to plaque-induced gingivitis. Eighty-five periodontally healthy subjects were evaluated. A negative correlation was found between incisor crown width/crown length ratio and bleeding score (p = 0.045). From the 85 subjects, two groups of subjects with either 'long-narrow' or 'short-wide' incisor form were identified. The 'long-narrow' group had a significantly higher bleeding score than the 'short-wide' group (p = 0.014). No significant differences were found in the incisor crown width/crown length ratio between previously identified 'high responder' and 'low responder' subjects (Trombelli et al., 2004a). In conclusion, incisor crown form appears to affect the bleeding response of inflamed gingival tissues, while it exerts no influence on explaining differences in individuals' susceptibility to plaque-induced gingivitis.