During the period of 2001-2003, a total of 591 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae field isolates from the Czech Republic were serotyped with a high occurrence of cross-reactions. The cross-reactions were observed in 416 isolates. Most frequently, in 401 isolates (67.9%), cross-reactions with antisera specific for serotypes 9, 11, and/or 1 were observed. Two additional molecular methods, ribotyping and restriction analysis of PCR amplified apxIVA gene (PCR-REA), were therefore used for detailed characterisation of A. pleuropneumoniae. In this subsequent analysis, reference strains representing serotypes 1-12 and 25 field isolates showing the most frequent serotype cross-reactions were examined. PCR-REA enabled all reference strains to be distinguished except for the strains of serotypes 9 and 11. Ribotyping distinguished all reference strains except two pairs of serotypes: 3 versus 6, and 9 versus 11, respectively. Field isolates with serotype cross-reactivity 9, 11, and/or 1 could not be differentiated by either of these methods.