Thirty-two structurally diverse drugs used for the treatment of various conditions of the central nervous system (CNS), along with two active metabolites, and eight non-CNS drugs were measured in brain, plasma, and cerebrospinal fluid in the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) knockout mouse model after subcutaneous administration, and the data were compared with corresponding data obtained in wild-type mice. Total brain-to-plasma (B/P) ratios for the CNS agents ranged from 0.060 to 24. Of the 34 CNS-active agents, only 7 demonstrated B/P area under the plasma concentration curve ratios between P-gp knockout and wild-type mice that did not differ significantly from unity. Most of the remaining drugs demonstrated 1.1- to 2.6-fold greater B/P ratios in P-gp knockout mice versus wild-type mice. Three, risperidone, its active metabolite 9-hydroxyrisperidone, and metoclopramide, showed marked differences in B/P ratios between knockout and wild-type mice (6.6- to 17-fold). Differences in B/P ratios and cerebrospinal fluid/plasma ratios between wild-type and knockout animals were correlated. Through the use of this model, it appears that most CNS-active agents demonstrate at least some P-gp-mediated transport that can affect brain concentrations. However, the impact for the majority of agents is probably minor. The example of risperidone illustrates that even good P-gp substrates can still be clinically useful CNS-active agents. However, for such agents, unbound plasma concentrations may need to be greater than values projected using receptor affinity data to achieve adequate receptor occupancy for effect.