Purpose: To evaluate the function status of TB advisory committee to assess treatments of tuberculosis.
Object and method: Estimate by questionnaire sheets to public health nurses attending to seminars on tuberculosis at Research Institute of Tuberculosis.
Result: 137 answers are available for analysis. Of these, 57 (41.6%) TB advisory committees are estimated not to assess treatments of tuberculosis at all and/or to assess treatments without necessary informations on drug sensitivity in more than around half of the cases. In 13 (16.3%) committees of the other 80, many cases are in fact self-assessed. Number of committees that are estimated to functioning well is only 44 (32.1%).
Conclusion: Many TB advisory committees are estimated to be malfunctioning from the stand point of assessments of treatment. As TB advisory committee is one of key agency to control drug-resistant tuberculosis, its reform and revitalization are urgently needed.