A measurement of the analyzing power A(y) of the p-->d--> (p p) + n reaction was carried out at the ANKE spectrometer at COSY at beam energies of 0.5 and 0.8 GeV by detection of a fast forward proton pair of small excitation energy E(pp) < 3 MeV. The S-wave dominance in the fast diproton is experimentally demonstrated in this reaction. While at T(p) = 0.8 GeV the measured analyzing power almost vanishes, it rises to nearly unity at T(p) = 0.5 GeV for neutrons emitted at theta(c.m.)(n) = 167 degrees. The results are compared with a model taking into account one-nucleon exchange, single scattering, and Delta(1232) excitation in the intermediate state. The model describes fairly well the unpolarized cross section obtained earlier and the analyzing power at 0.8 GeV; it fails to reproduce A(y) at 0.5 GeV.