Although the ABO blood group of the human host has been reported to influence malarial infection, there have been few clinical observations on this effect. A hospital-based, comparative study was therefore performed to investigate the relationship between blood-group type and severe disease i nPlasmodium falciparum malaria. Overall, 243 cases of malaria (163 uncomplicated and 80 severe) and 65 patients with severe, non-malarial infections were studied. In terms of ABO-blood-group composition, the patients with severe malaria were significantly different from the patients with the uncomplicated disease (P<0.001) and also from a population control described previously (P<0.0001). The patients with uncomplicated malaria or severe but non-malarial disease were, however, similar to the population control. The cases of severe malaria were significantly less likely to be of blood group O (P=0.0003), and significantly more likely to be of group AB (P<0.0001), than the patients with nonsevere malaria. It appears that individuals who are of blood-group O are relatively resistant to the severe disease caused by P. falciparum infection.